Geekgasm Hunt

50 Stores
50 Hunt Items
12 Days 

The hunt will run from June 20th to July 1st, and hunters will be looking for a tiny prim rubik’s cube. 
Wanna come hunt with us?
Bookmark the blog-->;  
or join our hunt group in SL (search for “Geekgasm” !). 

Port Over to { Zeery }  to Pick up a Starting Link from the Posters by the Entrance Wall.

Duh – it’s a celebration of all things geeky and nerdy! The Geekgasm Hunt will include stores from all over the grid featuring geeky or nerdy items (nerds are welcome too!). Gifts could be anything from earrings to skins to furniture to … well… we’re geeks. Let’s just say it could be anything....


About Me

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Makes brightly colored Textile Designs for her small shop [ZEERY] Color Couture.